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Honey has been consumed for thousands of years. When a few of the tombs were opened in Egypt, they discovered honey which was put there to the entombed in order that they would have it in their next life. The honey had crystallized and was still perfectly fine, though it’d been there for 5,000 years! Nearly All honey that you would purchase in a supermarket is not the exact same honey that is been eaten for centuries. Only careful and minimal processing will conserve the many nutritive benefits of honey. Honey should never be heated during the enzymes will be destroyed, nor should it be fine filtered.

The nice filtering of honey eliminates a lot of what makes raw honey a healthy and desirable food. This would comprise contamination of pollen, beeswax and propolis. When the pollen is still within the honey it is said to offer relief to allergy sufferers. Small quantities of pollen behave as inoculants against large quantities in the atmosphere that trigger reactions such as the runny nose and itchy eyes of hay fever. As honey is predigested it is extremely easy for the body to digest. When it is consumed with carbohydrates such as porridge or toast, the enzymes in the honey assist with the digestion of carbs. Various honeys from various nectar sources are very different. They have various combinations of sugars, enzymes and minerals. By way of instance, very dark honeys have a high mineral content. Lighter honeys are lower in minerals and are often milder in flavor.

Another advantage to honey is that it is a fantastic source of antioxidants so play a huge role in preventing cancer in addition to heart disease. It can also be applied as a moisturizer to be later removed with splashes of water to buy raw honey online. Not only will it moisturize the skin but it will also help fight acne with just a small amount being needed for both applications. Bee keepers who regularly eat honey are believed to live long and healthful lives.

Honey is a natural antiseptic. Medical journals cite over 600 cases where honey has been used to treat wounds by preventing disease. Honey contains an antimicrobial agent, which prevents infections by killing the bacteria in the vicinity of your wound. Various kinds of bacteria cannot survive in honey so wounds heal, swelling eases and tissue can grow back.

Some interesting facts about bees are:

Honey bees are the only insect to produce food for people; a wholesome hive contains approximately 40-60 million bees. Throughout the honey production interval a bees life span is just 4-6 weeks. Bees visit approximately two Million flowers to make 1 pound of honey. Bees travel an average of 1,600 Round trips so as to produce on oz of honey, each round trip being up to 6 miles. To produce 2 lbs of honey bees traveling a distance equal to 4 times around the earth!